Tag: 2016 resolutions

Paper is patient…

“I wanted to let you know that I’ve kept at the journaling stuff. Man, I sound so mad at myself and disappointed.”-C. I received this text from a friend who’s trying to make some substantial changes in her life. I suggested she start keeping a diary, to understand all the thoughts swirling around in her…
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December 28, 2015 0

No resolutions, just commitment.

‘Tis the season….for me to frequently get asked to speak and write about New Years’ Resolutions…and  frankly, I hate resolutions. They seem so smug. They’re not very helpful.  Also, they tend to notch up the pressure on what’s already an innately high-pressure situation: the situation of improving one’s life. Not to mention, if you want to learn French…
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December 19, 2015 0