TUESDAY TIPS February 25, 2014: Create, don’t Destroy.

TUESDAY TIPS February 25, 2014: Create, don’t Destroy.

February 25, 2014 Uncategorized 0

At the end of last year, a friend/former client, who had lost a prestigious contest, cursed the contest’s sponsors–a very big name–and said, “To hell with them, they’ll never get another penny from me.” I understood the rage and frustration he felt upon losing–he had worked very hard on his submission–but I couldn’t agree with his plan to, essentially, punish himself, by cutting himself off from the manufacturer and future possibilities. I mean, the people who created the content are going to do fine, with or without my friend. They’ll keep on making bank. It’s my friend who’ll lose future opportunities, who’ll end up isolated.

Listen, I write for a number of websites, with more on the way, and for each acceptance I get, you’d probably be shocked by how many rejections I get. How many times have I seen articles on websites, that make me think,”…for serious? You published that dreck?” And then I go back and study the website, and see what has gotten published, and I brood on how can I create content that will get me accepted. I know that editors are constantly under deadline, they’re busy and so instead of seething with (jealous) rage, I try to have some empathy and consider the situation from their POV: How can I present in a way that meets their needs and makes their jobs easier?

I’m not saying that the rejection doesn’t sting, but the alternative is to never get published anywhere, to decide that all editors are morons, and to become bitter. Bitterness is not a hot look, so I’m going to focus on being positive.  I’m going to focus on learning what I can from others who are doing what I want to do, and try not to drive myself crazy over what I can’t control.

In this life, you can build or destroy, but when you destroy, all you really end up destroying is your own potential. And we don’t have time for that.

Want some help building your own potential? Oh, of course you do, don’t even be like that. Email me at carlotazee@gmail.com, and become a fan of my Facebook page, “Carlotaworldwide Creativity Yenta,” and let’s see how I can help you!




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