When you’re ambitious af (#getit)

When you’re ambitious af (#getit)

January 19, 2018 Uncategorized 0

I think a lot of our young people are highly ambivalent, to say the least about the wisdom of standing out at work.  And that’s understandable: standing out anywhere, means leaving yourself open for attack. If you’re new on the job, or just generally not sure you know what you’re doing–and if you don’t, join the club. It’s 2018, we have a president who is dubious about his responsibilities, to say the least. I’m sure you’re doing a whole lot better than you know.–the idea of standing out can frankly make you want to vomit.

There’s also the fear of standing out, and getting attention, negative or positive, from management, if you don’t know exactly what it is you want. But not to blow your mind, but most of us at the beginning of our (first) careers, had no real end game. I made a ton of money in network news in my twenties, but when older people asked what I was looking for, I just shrugged. F**k if I knew, I was just having a great time. The more I did, the more I was able to do.  Or, the more I did, the more I put myself in front of the (older) people who made the hiring decisions, and the more exciting opportunities I received.

Thus, if you’re feeling footloose and fancy free at work, thinking that you’d like 2018 to be the year you really make some waves at work, in the very best way. If you know you could be doing more at work, but you’re not exactly sure what, or how: no worries! You’re just getting started on your own journey, it’s unrealistic and in fact dangerous to expect that you’d know everything. But do make some time to read this great Bustle article, “7 Unexpected Habits That Make You Stand Out at Work,” in which I’m quoted. (#modesty) Even if I wasn’t lucky enough to be cited, I think it’s a very useful, realistic article. In a few years, when you’re CEO of you, don’t forget to say hi!



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