Month: June 2015

Worthy opinions

“I was never the smartest person in my classrooms and [I] always abstained from participating in class because I had no fresh/worthy opinions. “-R. Um…okay. As a coach, I receive many interesting emails. This quote comes from one of those emails, and yes I already vented spoke with the human who reached out, and we had our…
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June 29, 2015 0

How to quit working…

Or, maybe more honestly, how to quit working at (most) stuff you dislike and focus on doing what you love, since that’s still a ton of work. I mean, I love my small business but I work ALL. THE. TIME. But at least I have a pretty awesome boss…hint hint. Anyway, I was lucky enough…
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June 13, 2015 0

What’s your story? How to write your bio

As I was typing that headline, I remembered having seen on Twitter something about young people writing their memoirs on Instagram but seriously. Let’s stay focused here on helping people who can actually be helped, since the other way beckons to madness and drinking straight gin out of a water bottle as dawn breaks and…
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June 10, 2015 0

A genuinely nice guy

Last month, the effervescent Doug Sandler welcomed my co-host Marie Segares and myself on his  show, “The Nice Guys on Business” podcast…and we couldn’t have had more fun! We talked about…oh, you know…starting your own small business when you know less than nothing, using social media to promote yourself, the good, the bad and the ugly of…
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June 8, 2015 0

The national pastime of being successful

“I’ve been in a severe, to put it mildly, ‘rut,’ for the last few years, and my life leading up to those years, I did not use to set myself up for success the way I should have.” -L. I’m a big fan of people creating the “luck” they need, but really by “luck,” what…
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June 2, 2015 0