Category: new york times

It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I’m sure you, Gentle Reader, are in line at some airport within these United States, about to let a TSA-employee get to third base, on your way to reconnect with family and eat too much food–not necessarily in that order–so I doubt that my blog is high on your…
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November 23, 2011 0

 The world, as is it’s wont, is changing. Changing in some very drastic ways, and by this I mean: getting a higher degree or a professional license is no longer a guarantee of job stability or a license to print money. (Skeptical? AND those are just two for example; I could find hundreds more.)That’s not to say…
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July 30, 2011 0

Here, in Queens, I’m hoping I can get through the day without the cats bursting into flames–especially since, god bless them, they’re not the brightest felines in their own seats, and despite the apartment being air-conditioned, they’re sleeping…under the sink, in the closets…yes, in all the hottest places, bless their furry faces.–and I’m also trying…
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July 22, 2011 0