Category: x-files


“Carlota,” you say,”shouldn’t you be preparing for your workshop next Wednesday, October 5th, at the New York Public Library, on why artists are natural entrepreneurs? Should you really be blogging?”Simma down, it’ll be fine! Something happened to me in law school–how ominous does that sound?–and now I truly do my best work at the last possible…
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September 27, 2011 0

So, I recently watched Gomorrah (I know, I know, the movie’s from 2008 and I’m just discussing it. Next week this new film called, Star Wars, and why light-sabers are kewl! But listen: being self-employed means 1) I’m always working, dammit, and 2) when I get to watch a movie, I kind of need to turn…
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August 22, 2011 0