Category: graduate school debt

Why I’m Glad I Went to Law School (Yes, seriously!)

In honor of this past Saturday’s LSAT test-takers, and their contributory actions to our nation’s glut of unemployed lawyers…I thought I’d share my reasons for going to law school and why I’m still so glad I did. (Try not to vomit.) I don’t practice, so I don’t use my degree in the traditional way, but the…
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December 5, 2011 7

 The world, as is it’s wont, is changing. Changing in some very drastic ways, and by this I mean: getting a higher degree or a professional license is no longer a guarantee of job stability or a license to print money. (Skeptical? AND those are just two for example; I could find hundreds more.)That’s not to say…
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July 30, 2011 0