Month: November 2015

Making my own luck, Philly-style!

Has it really been 11 days since I last blogged? Oh, okay, sure, I’m a terrible person, but slow your roll, kids, since actually,  I’ve been giving workshops at the speed of light, even going to Philly this last Thursday for the Pennsylvania Conference for Women. So, you know, not to toot my own horn, but I…
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November 21, 2015 0

Don’t worry about being interesting.

“But I don’t do that much interesting stuff, how could I blog every day?” Good question…except that you’re kinda missing the point. If you, Dear Reader, are trying to construct a useful social media presence that helps you articulate and then achieve your (professional) goals, before you take flight into society’s daily ether of people…
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November 10, 2015 0

“Don’t ever go anywhere without a cake box.”

Last night, Hoong Yee Lee Krakauer, Executive Director of the Queens Council on the Arts, and I  did our respective party pieces of a  grant-writing and social media marketing course for artists. This is a brand new, three-week workshop, and last night was our debut.  I spoke about social media, but today, Dear Reader, I wanted to write about…
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November 7, 2015 0

Your way or the highway.

November is National Novel Writing Month, and if that lights a fire under your butt, and makes you stop procrasturbating and start writing: awesome. On the other hand, if that whole concept strikes you as being a huge, panic-inducing, talent-suffocating gimmick…well, hey, guess what? That’s also okay. If NNWM makes you suspect you’ll never write again, take a step…
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November 3, 2015 0