Category: fear of success

Channukah Hints, Jewrican Factoids #4: Don’t cheat yourself

Like a great many people, I am ambivalent about success. It probably has something to do with not being 26 anymore: you want something big, but you know how hard life can be and you worry about failure. You want something important…but do you really want it? My latest play for example. There was a period…
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December 23, 2011 0

Don’t Fear The Reaper

Actually, the title of this quickie post should be something like, “Don’t Fear Success,” but the song has been in my head, not sure why. I was thinking about the fear of success, in many different forms, since I’m re-reading, for the billionth time, one of my very favorite books, A Confederacy of Dunces, by…
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December 7, 2011 0