Category: sexting

Friday Fun

I’m feeling a little WONDERFUL recently since after years of hard work & magical thinking & yes, some whining, great things are happening to my business, one of which is that Huffington Post just hired me to rant blog on career advice, life, professional potential, dating, sexting, why Will Arnett should show up nude at…
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August 2, 2013 0

Love the one you’re with: yourself!

I’m taking a break from networking, signing business deals (#likeaboss,son), giving The Kitten nubbins and, most importantly, this:…to express my sadness that apparently so many people hate Valentine’s Day. No me gusta. And before you assume that I’m 8, or that I woke to bouquets of roses and edible panties…meh, not so much. I…
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February 14, 2013 0

Channukah Hints, Jewrican Factoids #3: Keep it up!

I know, I know: some of you are rolling your eyes at the obvious nature of this “hint,” right? But… is it really obvious? I would argue that given the nature of our microwaveable, drive-through zeitgeist nowadays, a lot of people seem to have missed the point on how success is created. And by “success” I don’t…
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December 22, 2011 1