Month: October 2011

Life lessons from The Thing…

So, last night, with some friends, I treated myself to the outrageous cost of paying for stale popcorn and a Diabetes-inducing-sized “small” soda, and went to see The Thing. (I just lost your respect right? Ha: can’t lose what you don’t have!) I have to admit that normally I am a huge wuss and I…
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October 21, 2011 0

Fast Times at Benjamin N. Cardozo High

Last night I went into the depths of Queens–and since I live in blue-collar, anti-hipster Woodside, you know I went deep into the belly of the beast that is Queens–to represent Wellesley College at a college fair at Benjamin N. Cardozo High (…respect!). It was pretty much an awesome night, and not just because boys…
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October 19, 2011 0

The business of business cards

It’s a truism: as the weather cools down, the business heats up. And: I have less time to blog. Which is, I suppose, both good and bad. But today, I just have to rant: why are there, pray tell, such a thing as “sensual” premium business cards? Why are there business cards of sexy women…
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October 18, 2011 0

Educations vs. certificates

I spent some time yesterday reading through a leading university’s continuing and professional studies course catalogue (how sexy is my life, huh?), which was almost as hilariously disturbing as getting drunk and going on an on-line dating site, to read the profiles. (Almost.) I am a huge believer, in fact I’m an obsessive believer in…
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October 12, 2011 0

Red Flags at Dawn…or anytime, really

Not to get all cryptic–and therefore, irritating–but I recently re-learned the (very) hard way, why it’s bad to ignore red flags. Namely, because they’re trying to tell you something! I met an interesting person, there was immediate chemistry…and some immediate red flags, but since I don’t frequently meet such interesting people, I sort of muted…
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October 11, 2011 0


I should have posted this sooner, but this week has been, to use the technical term, hellacious! Just a ton of stuff going on with new and old clients, business opportunities, blah blah blah. But, on Wednesday, I did indeed give my workshop @ the New York Public Library, on why artists are natural entrepreneurs…and…
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October 9, 2011 0

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

As if we didn’t all know what an exceptional human being Steve Jobs was, his deeply inspiring commencement address is just the icing on the cake…

October 6, 2011 0

Stupid People

I admit that I’m writing this on about 3 hours of sleep last night, since I was working and then I, for some bizarre reason, decided to “relax” by watching a psychological thriller, Session 9. Then, I had to call the IRS this am–don’t ask, but no I shan’t soon be writing a great book…
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October 3, 2011 0


I don’t mean to be annoying cryptic here, but I’d like to encourage people reading this to think about flipping their scripts. By that I mean, finding strength, or comfort or even inspiration in some thing or some experience that perhaps you’re currently distressed about. What if you took that negative and decided to make…
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October 1, 2011 0