Category: asking permission

31Ways2GetItStarted™! January 9, 2013

Day 9:  Don’t Ask Someone Else’s Permission to Achieve Your Goals It’s always strange/interesting/irritating to me how many people need to ask and receive another person’s permission to achieve their own goals. Just writing that sentence, in fact, irritates me. You’re going to ask someone else to approve your goals? Okay, deep breath, relax, calm…
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January 9, 2013 0

Don’t Ask Me

Just a quick note today on this irritating trend I’ve noticed in some people. This trend of people asking other people if they can “be” something. This trend of asking permission of others to live your dream. Grrrr.  To give an example, about a year ago, I had coffee with a friend of a friend…
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April 5, 2012 0