Category: Russia

31Ways2GetItStarted™!: January 13, 2013

Day 13: Don’t Worry About What Other People Think. Otherwise known as, don’t waste time trying to be cool. Because honestly all the cool kids are boring.  Because if you’re worried about being cool, I guarantee that you’re not engaged in the messy, irritating, exhausting, wonderful, terrifying, liberating process that is changing your life and…
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January 13, 2013 0

Coaching Hint # 3

Incredibly, despite all my desperate whining, we are firmly in the midst of the holidays–I heard Whitney Houston’s version of The Little Drummer Boy, so the die is cast–and the holiday parties have begun. Note: I am not complaining. Being Jewrican, I will celebrate almost anything…invite me over! I love holiday parties, and I always learn…
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December 12, 2011 0

Despite all efforts to the contrary, August has arrived. August, the dog days of summer, when it’s time for students to start thinking about going back to school. Oh, the poor dears. (Still, it beats working, right?) So, with the thought of college and keggers looming, I’m just going to go out on a limb…
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August 2, 2011 0

Here, in Queens, I’m hoping I can get through the day without the cats bursting into flames–especially since, god bless them, they’re not the brightest felines in their own seats, and despite the apartment being air-conditioned, they’re sleeping…under the sink, in the closets…yes, in all the hottest places, bless their furry faces.–and I’m also trying…
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July 22, 2011 0