
31Ways2GetItStarted™!: January 4, 2013

Day 4: Just Do It for 15 Minutes Ha! Admit it: You were all thinking I had given up, and you could safely go back to watching Futurama re-runs on the sofa, in dirty sweatpants, with a mug o’ wine, a Krazystraw and a jar of chocolate frosting…ohmylordwhyaminotdoingthatrightnow! On the other hand, those of you…
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January 4, 2013 0

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have been awake since, I think, two. Two in the am. Usually, if I’m awake at that hour, I’m up to no good, so I’m having fun. This was not the case last night. Instead, I was living the big pimpin’ lifestyle of being self-employed, which means it…
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August 16, 2012 0

Getting to know you…

A great deal of being The Creativity Yenta™, is frankly knowing when, to STFU and keep my (numerous) opinions to myself. So if, for example, I run across an old friend on Facebook who is currently engaged in a “career” which makes me cringe, because I know she has tremendous talent, but apparently she does…
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January 3, 2012 0