Category: value

On Maturity

If you’re looking for a job, or trying to make a career-transition, I need you to write this down—not on your hand, preferably—and commit it to memory: you are selling yourself. You’re selling your experience, your education, your connections…but you’re also selling a more “emotional” type of value: your common-sense, your ability to present yourself as…
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August 19, 2011 0

Doin’ What Comes Naturally!

When working with unemployed clients—whether they’re recent grads, or people with established resumes—one thing I’m obsessed with, is helping them start to see themselves differently. I help them start to consider how they’re going to market themselves. Because, let’s face it, the economy is brutal; it’s like living inside a 3-D episode of “Shark Week.” I…
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August 12, 2011 0

Despite all efforts to the contrary, August has arrived. August, the dog days of summer, when it’s time for students to start thinking about going back to school. Oh, the poor dears. (Still, it beats working, right?) So, with the thought of college and keggers looming, I’m just going to go out on a limb…
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August 2, 2011 0

Listening to WNYC this am (I’m sure that some people instantly stopped reading after “WNYC”…ha!), and  Brian Lehrer covered the infuriating practice of employment ads making it clear that the unemployed will not be considered for positions. The host asked journalist Catherine Rampbell, who has been covering this story for the New York Times, if,…
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August 1, 2011 0