I meant to have this post written by 6am, so I could open with something like,”…it’s a new day, another day to continue the difficult if rewarding task of differentiating yourself and your talents….” But considering it’s almost 1pm, and I spent the whole morning helping clients, nagging clients, cleaning my hovel, explaining the concept…
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- mixologists
- MLK Day
- mojitos
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- Montana
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- motivating
- motivation
- motivational
- moving to Greece
- Ms. Magazine
- msnbc
- mug of scotch
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- Muhammad Ali
- multiple orgasms
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- my hovel
- my mother was a saint
- my poor parents
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- no me gusta
- no whining
- nobel peace prize
- Nobel Prize for Literature
- non je ne regrette rien
- Nora Ephron
- normal is boring
- not giving in to fear
- novelists
- npr
- nubbins
- numbers game
- numbers theory
- nunchucks
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- nutella
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- NY Times
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- opinions
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- opportunities
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- oversharing
- overtime
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- Papa Hemingway
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- Pavlov's dogs
- PayPal
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- People magazine
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- people who wear silly buttons
- people who went to Vassar
- pep talks
- pepper-spray
- perfection
- perfection is a waste of time
- personal responsibility
- personal trainers
- Petrozavodsk
- petticoats
- PH.Ds
- PhDs
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- Phil Collins
- Philippines
- Phish cover bands
- Picasso quotes
- pickled mushrooms
- pink champagne
- pinot griot facebook friends
- Pitbull
- pitbulls
- pitch
- pity party
- plan
- play it as it lays
- Playboy magazine
- playing the recorder
- plays
- playwrights
- please
- plus-sizes
- pod-people
- podcasting for your career
- politicians
- ponies
- Ponyboy
- popcorn
- popeye's fried chicken
- pork rinds
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- Portlandia
- pot meet kettle
- potential
- poverty
- praise allah
- pregnancy apps
- presentation
- President Bill Clinton
- President Bill Clinton and emails
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- President Obama's inauguration
- press pool
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- pretty pretty princess
- prick up your ears
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- procrasturbators
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- somber
- Sonia Sotomayor
- sophie's choice
- south park
- Soviet Russia
- speaking German
- speaking Russian
- speech to the graduates
- spiderman turn off the dark
- spoiled children
- spray tanning
- Spring Break
- Srebrenica
- St. Augustine quotes
- Stalin
- Stalin cult of personality
- standardized tests
- Star Wars
- star wars ringtone
- starbucks
- Starlight Express
- state department
- staten island
- stay golden
- stephane hessel
- Stephen Frears
- stephen wise free synagogue
- steve jobs
- steve lars
- stockpiling for the end of days
- stories
- storycorps
- strapless bras
- strategies
- strategies to succeed
- strippers
- Strunk and White
- student debt
- student loans
- studs lonigan
- studying pirates
- stupid boys
- stupid choices
- stupid crimes
- stupid Facebook groups
- stupid questions
- stupid tattoos
- stupid TV correspondents
- stupid TV reporters
- stupid Tweets
- succeeding at work
- successful job interviewing
- Sudoku
- summer camp
- Sunday Funday
- Superfreak
- superhuman powers
- Superstorm Nemo
- surviving law school
- surviving Russia
- swearing in VP Biden
- swedish
- sweet fancy moses
- taco bell
- Tahiti
- take responsibility
- taking responsibility
- talent
- talking points
- taxes
- Teabaggers
- teach a man to fish
- teachers
- Ted Bundy
- Ted Kaczynski
- teen craigslist killer
- teenage boys
- teenage dictators
- teenage killers
- teenagers and their bad music
- telepathy
- Tenement Museum
- Tennessee Williams
- teresa giudice
- text messages
- Thailand
- Thanksgiving
- the bomb
- the boys on the bus
- the breaks
- the carpenters we've only just begun
- the choice to be happy
- The Dead
- the dirty south
- The Facebook
- the fear
- the force
- the good short life
- the Great Gatsby remake
- the great unmentionable
- the greatest of all time
- The Hague
- the internet boom
- the Interwebs
- the joys of spelling
- the kitchen sink
- The Kitten
- The Kremlin
- The Lion King theme music
- the little drummer boy
- the look
- the master
- the new york review of books
- the notebook
- the onion
- The Orton Diaries
- the outsiders
- The Rock
- the talmud
- the thing
- the value of work
- The Wizard of Oz
- theatrical agents
- therapy
- there's something wrong with aunt diane
- they will come
- thinking differently
- this is 2012
- throwing stars
- tim weldon
- time for outrage
- time management tips
- Time Out New York
- time warner cable
- TimeWarner cable
- timothy crouse
- Tippi Hedren
- to be young
- to die for
- to kill a mockingbird quotes
- to know all is to forgive all
- to-do lists
- Tobey Maguire
- tom cruise
- too cool for school
- too many cats
- top 40
- topless women
- tormenting men
- Traffic Bar
- transgender kids
- transitory nature of life
- tricia fox
- tricky dick
- true crime
- trusting yourself
- trutv.com
- tuition
- tv anchors
- TV correspondents
- tv marathons
- TV news
- TV producers
- Twatlight
- Twilight
- Twilight Zone
- type A
- ugly business cards
- Uncategorized
- underground bunkers
- unemployed
- unemployed law school graduates
- unemployed lawyers
- unemployment
- unfriending
- unhappy childhood
- university of phoenix
- up early
- US Supreme Court
- use your potential
- using Google+ in marketing
- using people
- using social media
- using social media to achieve your goals
- using your smartphone for something smart
- vadge
- vaginas
- Valentine's Day
- valkyrie
- value
- Vassar college
- vegan cookies
- venting
- Vice magazine
- victory is mine
- video games
- video resumes
- villains
- viral videos
- visiting Graceland
- vodka
- vodka cocktails
- vodka cranberries
- Voltaire
- volunteer organizations
- voting for Romney
- wait and see
- waiters
- waking up next to Idris Elba
- walk of shame
- walker percy
- wall street journal
- walt whitman
- washington post
- wasting time on Facebook
- watching cartoons
- watching Portlandia nude
- watchmen
- water-skiing squirrels
- watergate
- website designers
- weddings
- weekend edition
- Weiner
- Weiner's inappropriate behavior
- welcome to the internet
- wellesley
- wellesley college
- wellesley college alumnae
- wendi deng murdoch
- wendy wellesley
- what I do
- whining
- whining cats
- whiskey
- White House briefing room
- white teddy bears
- whitesnake
- why artists are natural entrepreneurs
- why cats paint
- why do it
- wicked attraction
- wicked witch
- wilding
- Will Arnett
- william henderson
- Willow Smith
- wind beneath my wings
- wingspan
- winning at work
- wisdom
- witch cackle
- wnba
- wnyc
- women in prison
- women losing their shit
- women on top
- women's colleges
- women's studies
- womyn's studies classes
- wonder woman
- woodward and bernstein
- Woody Allen
- working cats
- working from home
- working from home with small children
- working in network news
- working in public tv
- working out
- workouts
- world war two
- worry less do more
- writing a good LinkedIn profile
- wsj
- WW2
- x-files
- Yahweh
- yenta
- yentl
- Yoda
- Yoga
- you belong here
- younger mens
- youporn
- youporn.com
- your sexy potential
- youtube
- zang toi
- zappos
- zeitgeist
- Zen
- zombies
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