Category: business cards

The Joys of Networking

I’m being both ironic and realistic with that title, since despite all the networking I do, in a variety of ways, I don’t always love it. For example, I had to force myself to attend a big networking event in NYC last night, that, naturally turned out awesome…and I’m not even referring to the open bar. Though…
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May 10, 2013 0

Just to keep it super simple, for all you kids playing along at home… What Networking Is: Making a genuine connection; meeting someone new and thinking whom you could introduce them to, or how you can help them…and doing so; listening; having an interesting dialogue, even if it’s just about a sports team or why…
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June 27, 2012 0

So, I recently went to an alumni mixer to network…and yes, fine, okay: to flirt with mens 15+ years younger than me. Happy? Feeling good about yourself since you got me to admit something…well, I could say ‘shameful’ but since I’m a big hit with that particular demographic, perhaps ‘shameful’ isn’t exactly the right word.…
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March 21, 2012 0

The business of business cards

It’s a truism: as the weather cools down, the business heats up. And: I have less time to blog. Which is, I suppose, both good and bad. But today, I just have to rant: why are there, pray tell, such a thing as “sensual” premium business cards? Why are there business cards of sexy women…
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October 18, 2011 0