Empty Numbers

Empty Numbers

May 4, 2014 Uncategorized 0

Later this year, I’m going to be giving several workshops, to different groups, on strategies and tools for using social media to achieve their professional goals, and while the groups couldn’t be more different–attorneys, artists, students–one of my major themes will be the same: use your social media to connect with people, not just build numbers, since numbers don’t matter, engagement does.

Getting hung up on the numbers of social media–as in, how many people re-tweeted you today, or how many followers you gained or lost–can lead you down the dark path of becoming one of those people who start their day tweeting out “Good morning,” on Twitter. Those people always make me want to add a shot of whiskey, or two, to my tea. I’ve known quite a few of those people, and while they couldn’t manage to have any real, lasting friendships, they’d have say, 10K Twitter followers. And I suppose that’s an accomplishment, if you’re still smarting about not being invited to the popular girls’ parties back in the fourth grade. These people also seemingly care much more about their (amorphous) Twitter followers, than any of the few real people they allow, fleetingly,  into their barren lives. (PS: There are many people on Twitter with hundreds of thousands of followers who also have rich personal lives and more power to them. So before you freak the f**k out, realize I’m not talking about you, I’m making a generalized point. Simma down.)

Another reason I know that numbers don’t matter, is check out the Twitter feeds, for example, of celebrities. Celebrities can literally post a photo of a tomato, for f**k’s sake, and automatically, it’ll get 500 retweets and replies. That always cracks me up, and I think, ” Some of you people, if your dying mother on her deathbed, for god’s sake, posted that very same tweet, you’d ignore it, but because Snookie tweeted it, you’re acting like it’s the Shroud of Turin.” Oh my. Then, non-famous people look at those re-tweets and think, “Ugh what am I doing wrong??” Hmm, I don’t know, not doing a lot of coke with Lindsay Hohan, or not making a sex tape with Rihanna? You’re not doing anything wrong, you’re just not famous and the world is obsessed with fame.

You have to realize that numbers, in a very serious way, don’t matter. Social media is still so new, and we’re still discovering all it can be and do, so the way we quantify it, necessarily is a work-in-progress. (I’ll let The Onion put it into perspective: Social Media Rock Star Makes $28,000 Per Year)

Allow yourself to realize that numbers don’t matter so that you can stop letting social media intimidate you, and instead take charge of your brand and on-line presence so as to have some fun and achieve your goals.  Otherwise, you probably won’t even start, you’ll think, “I have 13 followers, one of whom is my aunt…who gives a sh*t what I have to say?” Well, hopefully, you care about what you have to say, hopefully you think you have something important to add, and, why not start there? Listen, I have clients who have 3 or 5 times the amount of followers I do…and yet I’m the one who was named a “social media expert” by US News & World Report…they weren’t. I’m the one who uses Twitter to get clients in the UK and across the country…not them. Am I an expert or do I just trust my gut, and present as I wish to be perceived? #hinthint

As always, my point in writing is to remind you that you can do what you want, you just have to stop worrying about other people. You just have to stop comparing yourself to virtual strangers and/or celebrities, and focus on your goals. When you’re rich and famous, you’ll post a photo of your cat using the little box or something, and it’ll get 5,000 re-tweets and you’ll think, “Damn, Carlota really was brilliant…crazy but brilliant!” (And, you’re welcome.) But if you waste your time getting obsessed about those 5,000 re-tweets, it’ll never happen.

Follow and connect with the people who interest/amuse/outrage you. Connect with the people who make you think and feel, with the people you’d like to hang out with, and, crucially, have confidence in yourself and what you have to say. Allow yourself to add to the on-going conversations on Twitter, big and small. Why not you? Start right there. Start small so you can, eventually, go big.

Want more help? Of course you do! Become a fan of my business Facebook page, “Carlotaworldwide Creativity Yenta,” to get a free consultation, and shoot me an email at carlotazee@gmail.com!






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